Catalog Jean-Daniel LORIEUX | Solo Show |April 6 – May 9, 2021
Personal exhibition of the great French fashion photographer Jean-Daniel LORIEUX at Galerie GADCOLLECTION, from Tuesday April 6 to Sunday May 9, 2021.
Personal exhibition of the great French fashion photographer Jean-Daniel LORIEUX at Galerie GADCOLLECTION, from Tuesday April 6 to Sunday May 9, 2021.
After the sensational success of the exhibition ‘Nous les Arbres’ atthe Fondation Cartier, Galerie GADCOLLECTION is proud to host the first European solo exhibition of renowned Brazilian photographer Cássio VASCONCELLOS. From March 11 to June 7, 2020, Galerie GADCOLLECTION will showcase 12 photographs most of them never released before.
Catalog created for the exhibition of Rachel LEVY’s photographs ‘Herbarium’ The exhibition takes place at Galerie GADCOLLECTION from May 12 to June 22, 2021
Catalog published during the exhibition of Kyriakos Kaziras ‘ Africa’ at Galerie GADCOLLECTION, June 11 – July 26, 2020
Catalog of Gary ZUERCHER’s exhibition : Bridges of Paris by Night, at Galerie GADCOLLECTION. The exhibition runs from October 26 to November 21. Galerie GADCOLLECTION 4 rue du pont Louis-Philippe 75004 Paris
Exhibition Catalogue : Éric HOUDOYER : Campagne, at Galerie GADCOLLECTION. The exhibition will run from April 17 to May 12, 2024. 4 rue du pont Louis-Philippe 75004 Paris
Catalog of the Exhibition : Earth Curve A History of Earth Seen from Space