Art Gallery specialized in Photography and vintage NASA prints

In the center of Paris, the gallery of photography GADCOLLECTION guides collectors and art lovers in their purchases of photos. Its founder: Gad Edery dedicates his time to exhibit master pieces, realized by photographers selected for the quality of their works. The photo gallery GADCOLLECTION represents exclusively photographers who follow each step of their printings. When they do not print the photos themselves, they work together with renowned photo laboratories in order to guarantee perfect conditions of preservation for their prints. GADCOLLECTION Gallery exhibits both fashion photographs, landscapes, portraits of celebrities, conceptualist photos and astro-photography.

A gallery bordering the Marais – Paris

Among the photo galleries in the Marais, the GADCOLLECTION Gallery stands out for the quality of its exhibition program, which is a place of choice for artist photographers. The Marais is one of the historic districts of Paris. It is one of the artistic centers of the City of Lights which hosts galleries and museums. Located on the right side, it straddles the 3rd and 4th arrondissement. In this privileged space for art collectors, the GADCOLLECTION Gallery welcomes you at 4 rue du Pont Louis-Philippe (75004 Paris).

An exceptional place to discover photography

The European House of Photography (Maison Européenne de la Photographie) and the Cartier-Bresson Foundation are also popular places for art lovers. The City Hall of the 4th arrondissement also regularly hosts exhibitions. The GADCOLLECTION Gallery is part of the great tradition of the Marais galleries. It offers original prints in very limited editions. We are delighted to welcome you in the afternoons, from Tuesday to Sunday, to show you the excellence of modern and contemporary photography.

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