• Gemini 4, EVA, Edward White

    Gemini 4, EVA, Edward White

    Gemini 4, EVA, Edward White, 03/06/1965

    Signed by McDivitt, command pilot James McDivitt took this photo of pilot Edward H White II as White inspected the spacecraft exterior.

    Photo NASA, colour photo-lithography


    20,32 x 25,4 cm / 8 x 10 inch

  • Gemini 6, On water, Recovery Operation (65-H-2277)

    Gemini 6, On water, Recovery Operation (65-H-2277)

    Gemini 6, On water, Recovery Operation (65-H-2277), December 16, 1965

    Photo NASA, Original photography

    Gelatin silver Period Print

    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch

  • Nasa - Gemini 4, Egypte, Delta du Nil, Israel, Mer rouge

    Nasa – Gemini 4, Egypt, Nile Delta, Israel, Red Sea

    Nasa – Gemini 4, S-65-34-776 | June 4, 1965

    Nile Delta (Rosetta and Damietta branches) in Egypt, Sinaï, Israel, the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq in the background from Space.

    You can also see the Suez Canal as well as the Dead Sea.

    Photo NASA, Vintage Original photography

    Chromogenic Print on ‘A Kodak Paper’

    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch

  • Nasa - Gemini 11, India, Sri-Lanka

    Nasa – Gemini 11, India, Sri-Lanka

    Nasa – Gemini 11, S66-54678 | September 14, 1966

    Probably one of the first photos , human-taken, from Space of India (surrounded by the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal), Sri-Lanka and Maldive Islands.

    Photo NASA, Vintage Original photography

    Chromogenic Print on ‘A Kodak Paper’

    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch

  • Gemini 12, Egypte, Vallée du Nil, Sinai, Mer Rouge, Arabie Saoudite

    Gemini 12, Egypt, Nile Valley, Sinai, Red Sea, Saudi Arabia

    Nasa – Gemini 12, S66-63478 | November 13, 1966

    Nile Valley in Egypt, Sinai, Red Sea and Saudi Arabia from Space.

    Photo NASA, Vintage Original photography

    Chromogenic Print on ‘A Kodak Paper’

    25,4 x 20,32 cm / 10 x 8 inch